Wednesday 30 January 2013

MIM Muslims

All Muslims Are Not Terrorists
All Terrorists Are Muslims

What happened in Mumbai isn’t new. Muslims have been slaughtering Hindus for ten centuries. In his own words, this Hindu man reveals what the Western media have ignored.
“When Islam arrived in India, the Hindus welcomed the Muslims with open arms as brothers. In return Islam destroyed the entire Hindu civilisation.
Over ten centuries the dirty Muslim rogues murdered an estimated 100 million people. It has been said by historians and scholars (both eastern and western) that this is the largest genocide the world has ever witnessed. Muslim religious leaders “educated” Muslim men to rape Hindu women as this was a method to destroy the Hindu progency. Soon raping Hindu women was part of what being a Muslim man was about! Temples were razed to the ground and villages were burned. Those who refused to convert to islam were either murdered (the menfolk) or raped (the womenfolk). All the slutty Mughal leaders made it their goal to wipe Hinduism from the map of the earth! They even openly stated it.
I have no sympathy for Muslims. It seems that today Muslims from all corners of the world are facing hardship and problems. You only need to look at the devastation that Islam has wrecked on Hinduism to ascertain why this is happening. What goes around eventually comes back around and this is why Muslims are suffering. I have no sympathy or feeling for them. What angers me is that even today in India the dirty ugly b a s t a r d s are still sucking the blood of Hindus. If Muslims think that what they are experiencing now is bad, they haven’t seen anything yet. The world is just getting started.
Futher to the above, I disagree that the Muslims unified anything or anyone. Islamic armies marched through the world killing men and raping women. That is the sole reason why they conquered all the lands that they did. There is a sharp distinction between invasion and unification. They instituted islam through coercion and violence. Before Islam reached India, the latter was a global power. Indian influence and culture as well as exports of knowedlge (science, maths etc) were felt throughout the world. When the evil, ugly, dirty uneducated Muslims invaded the top half of India, all the power that India commanded was destroyed. The Muslims contributed NOTHING to the Indian culture, intellectual establishment or civilisation. Quite the opposite they stole everything from us. They stole our women, they murdered our menfolk, destroyed temples etc.
Also for your information, I am an Indian who was born and bred in London (England) where Muslim atrocities are taught in state schools as a fact. So it is futile for you to say that I am under the influence of any Zionist organisation. If anybody is a slave here it is you. You are a slave of the evil Islamic religion.
You say your religion is a religion of peace. But your religion teaches Muslims that non-Muslims are infidels and that they should be killed. It also teaches them that women who do not “obey” their husbands must be beaten. Most of the terrorist organisations are Muslim. Muslims are renowned as mass murderers and terrorists. Moreover the highest religious leaders in your religion themselves use religious doctrine to justify killings so please do not say that Islam is a religion of peace.
And you talk crap about Palestine and Kashmir. Indians are doing nothing wrong in Kashmir. Kashmir is, was and always will be part of India. Do you even know what the history is behind Kashmir? When India and Pakistan were becoming independent, the leaders of all the states that border what was to become India and Pakistan were offered a choice of whether to become part of Pakistan or part of India. Kashmir had a Muslim population but a Hindu prince, and he wanted to be part of India. It was your beloved Muslim country Pakistan that actually started this whole dispute by attacking India.
At first the Kashmiri Muslims had no problem with becoming part of India. So please check your sources out! And you are quick to say that Kashmiris are oppressed and that they are being killed, but how conveniently do you leave out all the Hindus that were slaughtered in Kashmir in order to tilt the demographic favour towards the Muslims. There are hardly any Hindus now in Kashmir because they have all been killed by your Islamics. It is ok for Kasmiri Muslims to muder and wound hundreds of innocent Hindus every year in terrorist attacks but the moment that the Indian army tries to defend its citizens and crack down on the terrorists we are accused of “oppression” and human rights violations.
Hindus were under oppression from Muslims for ten centuries. In their own country they were treated as second class citizens. The British gave the Hindus their self-respect back. Under the British, Hindus thrived. They felt that finally they were living in their own country again. So why shouldn’t they have co-operated with the British???
It makes me sick when I hear you people justifying terrorism by saying that you are oppressed. Look at South Americans, Look at Africans look at East Europeans. These people have faced much more hardship than you people have yet I do not see them producing terrorist organisations. And anyway, for the all the “Muslim brotherhood” rhetoric and nonsense that I constantly hear about, why aren’t all the rich, oil owning fat Arabic sheikhs helping their impoverished Muslims out? Clearly they have MUCH MUCH MUCH more than enough capital to ensure decent living standards in Palestine. The problem isn’t oppression. The problem is ISLAM.
To hell with Islam!”

 Muslims are going to ruin this country from the inside out and we are gonna let them! Not all muslims are terrorist, but all terrorist are muslim!!
i hate aimim.
it is waste party.
it try to break the india.
he is the follower of pakistan.

A Jewish problem: Anti-Muslim hate-mongers
By Rabbi Bruce Warshal
Thursday, 01.10.2013, 10:26pm
Three weeks ago a Muslim man was pushed from behind into the tracks of an incoming New York subway meeting instant death.  The perpetrator was apprehended and she declared, “I hate Muslims (and Hindus) ever since 2001 when they put down the twin towers.  I’ve been beating them up.”

This is just one instance of violence and harassment against Muslims in America among many this past year.  In Missouri the Islamic Society of Joplin’s building was destroyed by a suspicious fire.  The Islamic center of Greater Toledo, Ohio was torched.  A New York man was stabbed repeatedly outside a mosque   proclaiming, “I don’t like Muslims.”  In Panama City, Florida a mason jar filled with gasoline was thrown at the home of a Muslim family. 

 The FBI reports that in 2010 there were 160 anti-Muslim hate crimes committed, the last year that FBI statistics are available.  The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim equivalent of the ADL, reports that there were 18 attacks specifically against mosques in 2012.  The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that in 2011 the number of anti-Muslim groups increased to 30, up from 10 the previous year.

 It’s not just violence.  It’s an attempt to “cleanse” America of a Muslim presence.  This past year the following organizations were attacked by Anti-Muslim activists: Campbell’s Soup for offering halal certified soup; Whole Foods for “whoring itself out to Islam” for offering halal foods during Ramadan; the Boy Scouts of America for having an Islamic Scouting group; the Metropolitan Museum of Art because it opened an exhibit on Islamic Art Treasures; the Family Feud television game for having a Muslim family compete; and Dr. Phil was labeled an “Islamo-panderer” for being sympathetic to Muslim guests.

 This Islamophobia and outright hatred has spread to the political arena.  The most egregious instance this past year was when Representative Michelle Bachmann declared that the Muslim Brotherhood had “penetrated” the U.S. government, specifically singling out Huma Abedin, a prominent Muslim-American aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  This McCarthy-ite maneuver was mildly criticized by House Speaker John Boehner (“Accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dangerous”), but actually supported by the only Republican Jewish member of Congress, Eric Cantor, when he praised her saying, “Her concern was about the security of the country.”

 The Republican Party is close to declaring open warfare on Muslims.  In 2011 and 2012, 78 bills or amendments aimed at interfering with Islamic religious practices were considered in 31 states and the U.S. Congress.  Of these, 73 bills were introduced by Republicans, one by a Democrat in Alabama, and four were bi-partisan. 

 Most of these bills were aimed at outlawing Sharia law (comparable to Jewish Halacha), a non-existent problem.  Muslims do not want to foist Sharia law onto America any more than Orthodox Jews want to foist Halacha onto America.  (I have written a column on this and I will share it with any reader upon request.)  Yet six states actually passed anti-Sharia laws – Arizona, Kansas, South Dakota, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Louisiana.

Representative John King as Chair of the Homeland Security Committee held hearings this past year on Muslims in America. His first hearing was titled, “The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and that Community’s Response.”  This was truly a McCarthy witch hunt. A few years back he claimed with absolutely no evidence that “80% to 85% of the mosques in this country are controlled by Islamic fundamentalists.”  The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights pointed out to King before the first hearing that, “Experts have concluded that mosque attendance is a significant factor in the prevention of extremism.”

 Now the big question:  Who are the major perpetrators of this anti-Muslim hatred?  Answer: Jews.  Sixty two of the above 78 referenced anti-Muslim laws were based on David Yerushalmi’s American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) model legislation.  Not all, but a great preponderance, of anti-Muslim hate-mongers are Jews, including the following:

Pamela Geller – known for her leadership in the movement against the proposed mosque near Ground Zero.  She has recently started an anti-Muslim billboard campaign on highways and in New York subways. She has attacked a group of Christian, Jewish and Muslim clergy in Denver because they started an interfaith “Love Thy Neighbor” campaign.  She called the Christian and Jewish participants “quislings, craven, cowardly, knaves,” for participating with Muslims.

Steven Emerson – a supposed expert on terrorism.  The New York Times book review noted that his book entitled “Terrorist” was “marred by factual errors…that betray an unfamiliarity with the Middle East and a pervasive anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian bias.”

Robert Spencer – of Jihad Watch.  He has proclaimed Muhammad, the founder of Islam, a “con man” and, “From a historical stand point, it is not even clear that Muhammad existed.”

Daniel Pipes – has encouraged derogatory cartoons of Muhammad to be published every day “until the Islamists become accustomed to the fact that we turn sacred cows into hamburger.” 

David Horowitz – who combines anti-Muslim with anti-liberal rhetoric.  In his book Horowitz says that both Muslims and progressives abhor America and American values.

 What does this rogues gallery of haters have in common?  First, they are all staunch supporters of Israel and they believe that delegitimizing Islam somehow helps Israel in its conflict with Palestinians.  Of course, they are hurting Israel in that they are turning a conflict over land into a religious war.  I do not blame the Israelis.  It’s a fair generalization to say that Israelis exhibit animosity toward Palestinians, but they do not denigrate their religion.  It is these American Jewish zealots that hate Islam, not Israelis.

 Second, most, if not all, of the above are welcomed speakers at synagogues (mostly Orthodox) and Jewish Federations, simply because they are pro-Israel.  (Pam Geller was invited to speak at the Los Angeles Federation but was disinvited after an outpouring of community outrage.)  What does this say about our Jewish sensitivity to bigotry in America?  Does being pro-Israel excuse all other sins?  Bernie Madoff is pro-Israel.  Does that make him fit to be a synagogue or Federation speaker?  This is truly a disgrace to our community.

 The biggest disgrace is that our rabbinic and lay leaders remain silent.  Very few rabbis have preached against anti-Muslim hatred from the pulpit.  Most of our national Jewish organizations issue statements weekly on behalf of Israel, but not very often against the increase in hatred in this county against Muslim Americans.

 How would you feel if Jews were being pushed onto subway tracks; if 18 synagogues were attacked this past year; if 31 states were to pass laws against Halacha (Jewish law); and if the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) were resurrected and hearings were held to determine if all Jews in Hollywood were communists (we have been there!)?  We of all people should empathize with our fellow Americans who happen to be Muslims.

The Muslim writer Sheila Musaji has written: “It takes courage to speak out against Islamophobia (or any bigotry).  It takes courage to defend the ideals of America.  It takes courage to stand for the principles and values of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  Many of those speaking out in defense of American Muslims have been attacked in articles coming out of the Islamophobic echo chamber.”

Yes, it takes courage.  And I have seen few rabbis and lay leaders exhibit this courage.  Where are you?  

Rabbi Warshal is the Publisher Emeritus of the Jewish Journal and the author of “Provocative Columns: A Liberal Rabbi Reflects on Beliefs, Israel & American Politics.”  He can be reached at

  • Because you know for a fact that all Muslims are called Abdul or Haji or Habib.
  • Because you know for a fact that all Muslims are thieves, charlatans, murderers, and brutes.
  • Because you know for a fact that every Muslim is trying to bed a member of your family.
  • Because you know for a fact that every Muslim is a terrorist.
  • Because you know for a fact that every Muslim is trying to kill you.
  • Because you know for a fact that Muslims are opening up a mosque next door to your home.
  • Because you feel an urge to wear a burqa and its the Islamofascists  fault.
  • Because you know for a fact that all Muslims spend  their free time burning western flags at the first opportunity.
  • Because the question “why is our oil under their sand” makes sense to you.
  • Because you know for a fact that every single Muslim is an existential threat to the continuation of western civilisation.
  • Because you’re just a racist and hate anything to do with brown or black people.
  • Because you hate to hear Arabic spoken.
  • Because you know for a fact that  the “Koran” is evil.
  • Because you know Muslim hate of the west is rooted in a pathological abhorrence of freedom.
  • Because you know for a fact that all Muslims are on welfare.
  • Because you know for a fact that all Muslims are only in the west as a ploy to colonise it.
  • Because you know for a fact that all Muslims are criminals.
  • Because you know for a fact that all Muslims copulate with goats at least twenty nine times a day.
  • Because you know for a fact all Muslims worship a moon god idol.
  • Because you know for a fact that Muslims just  believe in a collection of Jewish and Christian heresies.

  • I Hate Muslims...!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. The UN charter says that a minority means less than 10% of the
    population. But Muslims constitute over 25 percent of the Indian
    population. Yet they are called a minority.
    2. Gandhiji prevented the construction of Somnath temple with
    government funds. But in 1948 he prevailed upon Nehru and Sardar Patel
    to renovate Delhi’s mosques at government expense.
    3. Sucking up
    to minorities reached its peak when Rajiv Gandhi declared that if the
    people of Mizoram voted the Congress to power, it would run the
    government on sthe basis of the teachings of the Bible.
    4. Muslims and Christians  are considered as minorities in
    Maharashtra, UP, Bihar etc. But Hindus in Mizoram, J&K, Nagaland,
    etc who are in a minority there are not accorded minority status.
    Congress politicians and the mercenary pro Christian, pro Muslim
    English media hysterically scream about the death of Muslims in the
    Muslim provoked Godhra episode. But their silence about the
    extermination of lakhs of Hindus in Kashmir is thunderously deafening.
    6. When Christian and Muslim schools are allowed to teach the Bible
    and the Quran, Hindu schools are prohibited from teaching the Ramayana
    ,the Mahabharat and the Bhagavad Geeta.
    7. Muslims and Christian
    pilgrims are given Rs,20,000 as Haj and Holy land subsidies. But Hindus
    are denied the same for their pilgrimages. On the contrary, Hindu
    pilgrims traveling at their own cost to Amaranth receive bullets.
    8. A nationalist like Dr. Pravin Togadia has been arrested many
    times on flimsy grounds. But the Shahi Imam of Jumma Masjid has got off
    scotfree for his various seditious anti national, pro Pakistani actions
    and utterances.
    9. Major Hindu temples are government controlled. Revenues from
    these temples are used to fund Muslim madrassas that teach hatred,
    sedition and sterror. For instance in 2002, Karnataka’s income from
    temples was Rs.72 crores. Out of this Rs.50 crores was given to
    madrassas, Rs.10 crores to Christian churches and only Rs.10 crores to
    10. The government allows muharram processions in Hindu localities. But Hindu processions are banned in Muslim localities
    Pakistani becomes Indian when he marries a Kashmiri girl. But the
    husband of a Hindu Kashmiri girl cannot become a resident of J&K.
    So tomorrow if the ISI Chief from Pakistan marries a Kashmiri girl he
    will become an Indian citizen and can even try to become the PM, just
    like Sonia Gandhi.
    A majority of criminals in Indian jails are Muslims. They are
    allowed to offer Namaz in jail. But when HH the Sankaracharya was
    imprisoned on trumped up charges following a conspiracy carried out by
    Sonia Maino at the behest of the Vatican,  he was not allowed to
    perform pooja.
    The Pope was invited to India as a State Guest. But the Hindu King of Nepal
    Was not permitted to attend a makara sankranti function in Nagpur in 1965.
    are allowed to follow their personal law that includes the right to
    marry four wives. But Hindus are convicted for bigamy if they do so.
    Bhajans are prohibited in Mumbai’s local trains. But Muslims are allowed to sing quawalis in trains.
    jakkur airfield belonging to the defence ministry was not allowed to be
    used for a dutta jayanti function. But the same airfield was allotted
    to the rabidly anti Hindu Benny Hinn  for his traitorous  function to
    convert Hindus.
    Hindustan Times termed the immersion festival as “immersion frenzy”
    But does not dare describe Muharram and Good Friday processions inn
    such derogatory terms.
    These are but a very, very few examples
    of how Hindus are treated in their own land and how the Muslims and
    Christians are being pampered.
    LIKE OBAMA SAYS.......................YES WE CAN 

    I HATE  muslims!

    All Muslims Are Not Terrorists

    All Terrorists Are Muslims

     It needs to be repeated again, I HATE angry Muslims. Angry Muslim pigs who become angry over a joke movie about their pedophile prophet muhammed. A film that is a true amateur movie it made ​​thousands of. But this is a comedy of the life of Mohammed in the Koran where muslims is now threatening westernes worldwide to kill for.

    These damn Muslims have no respect from me. I think they are the worst kind of people. They go and demonstrate with placards saying "Behead Those Who Mock mohammed". A big joke. What are these Muslim pigs for the right to decide what to think.

    These men are primarily fundamentally legalistic Muslims. They are marked by years of indoctrination through the Koran. They let his beard grow out so that they look like monkeys. Their children are indoctrinated in  the fucking Islam. Their wives are at home by the fireplace and breed even more hatred of Muslims wannabe child monkeys.

    I do not want them in our community. I do not see them. I do not want to see their fucking beard. Or their fucking children who are forced to read the Koran and hate everything that does not comply with them.
    I hate that they think they are right.

    Muslims are right to hate, and I urge all Swedes do it. Hate Muslims who believe blindly in the Koran and that puts it higher than our society and normal values.

    You Muslims who follow muhammed and get offended over some muhammed pictures and a silly movie. I hate you!

    You are the worst kind of people this world has to offer. You end up safe in Allah pig hell just because you are so very untruthful!

    I hate even the koran and fucking pig religion of Islam!

    I urge islamcritics towards actions against Muslims. Why not pig heads in mosques. Pig Blood on the door. Or pig noises when they walk by. Everything within legal tolerance.

    i hate muslims....!!!!!!!!!!!

    In the last week we have watched as some pretty amazing pictures have arisen out of the Middle East and Northern Africa.   I am not sure about you but it spurs up in me some passionate anger.  If this is truly over an anti-Islamic film then I am angry that other groups do not get  a “free pass” on similar tactics when their particular group is slighted.  While I am a Christian and make no apologies for it, if you are honest about it Christianity get’s far more negative, worldwide coverage than any one group out there.   That is for another day! I get angry that Muslims are permitted to take lives, destroy property, and participate in acts of terrorism with little outcry from any one else. It almost seems like anyone in the press is scared of saying anything negative regarding Islam.
    There is some debate going on as to why these acts of violence have erupted.  That may be a debate for another day.  NOPE!  But one thing is for sure, this outcry has caused great alarm around the world.  There are many people posting on blogs, in emails and other modes of media about the events of the last week. There is converging in our nation and around the world a great divide.   I am hearing of reports of a potential war in the Middle East between Israel and well everyone else!  These terrorist acts that started in Libya are converging all around the world.  Things are tense.
    As a Christian I get the feeling that many believe I, as a Christian, hate Muslims.   This morning I read a blog about a group in D.C. that is putting up billboards in Tennessee which says, “Love You Muslim Neighbors”.  Quite honestly it stirred me toward anger.  Then the Holy Spirit reminded me that as Christians we are to love our enemies.  The Holy Spirit brought to my memory the verses in Matthew 5:43-44 which say, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”.  OUCH!!! Thanks Lord.
    These are tough verses to follow, I must admit.  It is hard enough sometimes to love people who are lovely, love you back and are nice to you, but to love people who are down right nasty, mean and hateful to you?  Yet, this is exactly the command of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.   So do I hate Muslims?  Not at all.  I hate their hatred of me as a believer in Jesus Christ.  I hate the fact that Satan has blinded their eyes of the true Messiah – Jesus Christ. I hate the fact that they are deceived into a life that is based off of works and hatred to any one who does not believe like they are.  I hate the fact that they expect “tolerance” from Christians and other groups but yet they have little tolerance for any other group themselves!
    Brothers and sisters in Christ,  while we have freedom of speech in this country, remember that our freedom that we receive because of the Constitution of the United States of America does not trump the commands found in God’s Holy Word the Bible.   Just because we have the right to post things on the Internet, send things out on Face Book and say what we “want” it may not be the very best thing for our witness.  That is our goal with anyone who does not believe that Jesus is the ONLY way – to share the Gospel message with them and win them to Christ. Instead of speaking ill of our enemies what if we prayed for them?  Let us ask God for a great revival in the midst of Muslim peoples all around the world!  NO I DO NOT HATE MUSLIMS!
    I am not necessarily saying that we should NOT post things about what is going, I do believe that we need to be cautious about it.  We need to be praying for them. Far too often we complain and criticize them while never praying for God to move in their hearts!  Let us pray for God to bring about revival in the lives of Christians and an Spiritual Awakening among Muslims and other non -believers around the world.  We desperately need God to move! NO I DO NOT HATE MUSLIMS!
    Have a great week.
    Hate MiM
    All Muslims Are Not Terrorists

    All Terrorists Are Muslims
    varun yadav